JAMS 6.x Help
JAMS Agent for OpenVMS: Configuring and Managing

After successfully installing the JAMS Agent, it is important that you perform the following tasks.

Insert JAMS_AGENT_STARTUP.COM into System Start-Up

You must execute the JAMS Agent startup procedure on every node that will be using the JAMS Agent. If you install the JAMS Agent on a node that also has the JAMS Agent already installed, execute the JAMS_AGENT_STARTUP.COM procedure before starting any batch queues.

To ensure that the JAMS Agent startup procedure is executed every time the system reboots, insert the following line into the system startup procedure: SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM


Note: Make sure to insert the above line after the disk containing the JAMS data files has been mounted and before initiating any batch queues.

The JAMS startup procedure can also be defined as a startup file using the VMS SYSMAN utility.

Initialize the JAMS Agent on all Nodes

The JAMS Agent is fully initialized on the node where the installation is performed. In order to initialize the JAMS Agent on other nodes in a VMScluster, issue the following command for every node where the JAMS Agent will execute:


Check TCP/IP port 77

The JAMS Agent listens on TCP/IP port 77. Make sure this port isn't blocked by a firewall. You can modify the port setting by defining a logical name, for example:


In this example, the command would tell the JAMS Agent to listen on port 7777. Make sure to restart the JAMS Agent after defining the logical name.

Managing the JAMS Agent

You can run JAMS_EXE:JAMS_AGENT_MANAGER.EXE to manage the JAMS Agent. The utility has commands for starting, stopping, and displaying the status of the JAMS Agent. You can get more information by running the utility and using the Help command at the JAMS_AGENT> prompt.

Error Conditions

If the installation procedure fails for any reason, a message is displayed and the installation will terminate. Try to determine what caused the installation to fail. If you can correct the problem, do so and then restart the installation.

If you cannot determine the cause of the problem or have any questions about JAMS, please contact JAMS technical support at:

Phone: (800) 261-5267

Phone: (614) 407-0730


NOTE: When configuring the OpenVMS Agent on the JAMS Scheduler, users must type OpenVMS into the Agent Platform field.
See Also

Installing and Deploying JAMS Agents



Topic updated: 6/7/2017
©2017 MVP Systems Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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